Our mission is to demystify and simplify the admission process, reducing anxiety, saving time, and yielding results. We focus on identifying and developing each student's unique strengths and goals, crafting a tailored plan to guide them through every step of their journey. We look forward to hearing from you.
The Basics
We want to know what makes you tick. Through self-assessment, observational information, different exercises, tests and tools, we identify strengths and unique characteristics, from which we develop a strong and distinct narrative for each student.
The Buzz
We always have an ear to the ground. We visit campuses. We attend and present at educational conferences each year and we connect with admissions offices around the world. We stay current and so do you.
We meet early and often, creating a personalized map and game plan that we use to guide each student as they grow and become self actualized. We help each student identify and focus on their larger goals and ambitions. We serve as a personal guide throughout the entire academic and college planning process. From start to finish, we are here for you.
You're In. Now What?
Embarking on a new academic or educational experience by beginning high school, changing schools, starting college, or commencing graduate school isn’t easy. The first semester can be exciting and it can be difficult. New place. New people. Challenging courses. We help students gain their footing and actualize their goals. We can help navigate the first semester and beyond.